Sunday 25 October 2015

Green Initiatives Meeting

Just recently we have had a meeting with the creator of His name was Nitin and we had a discussion on how his organisation ran, why he started it and what the purpose or end goal was of the organisation. Some of the questions asked included; How can we in Australia help the environmental crisis in china and other countries? Others included; What is the main goal and where do you see yourself and business in 2-5 to even 10 years time? Nitin responses to these questions were very detailed and he provided us with lots of good information that educated us in different ways. I feel that the interaction with Nitin was very successful. Personally I learnt a lot from the meeting and feel that it was very useful for my understanding on the modern China and the influence of Ancient China. I thought that the questions and answers said were both very educational and well spoken. I can't wait to progress further into this Ancient China Adventure!!

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